CASAHL’s assessment product has been used to carry out over 2,000 deployments  for enterprise customers over many content sources, and one very important thing we’ve found is that most enterprises give up on migration projects because they think they can’t migrate the entirety of their legacy content, or think they can’t migrate their legacy applications, and don’t realize that there are solutions to both of those problems. Whether your enterprise is trying to migrate away from legacy systems such as SharePoint, Lotus Notes/Domino applications, File Servers, or Exchange Public Folders, or other cloud drives such as Google Drive/Sites, Dropbox, Box, and Atlassian Confluence, CASAHL can help.

Purely by the numbers, many legacy deployments contain more content and applications than can reasonably be migrated, but only a small percentage of that content is actively used and therefore worth migrating. Many legacy apps can’t be migrated without modification, but they can be adapted or refitted to work in newer systems.

If your enterprise is worried that their legacy systems are too complex or too extensive to migrate, odds are very good that much of the problem content can either be reworked to fit the source system, or archived to sharply decrease the volume of content that must be migrated. Here are our key findings on migrating content from these common source systems:


  • Over 85% of SharePoint sites are not migratable to Office 365 without retooling
    • Over 60% of SharePoint content has not been active for over one year, and can be archived instead of migrated
    • Over 70% of customers still run on older versions of SharePoint, old SQL Servers, and old hardware

File Servers

  • On average, over 90% of File Server content has not been active for over one year, and can be archived instead of migrated
    • Folder hierarchies typically cannot fit into OneDrive for Business without modification

Exchange Public Folders

  • Over 90% of content is inactive, and can be archived instead of migrated

Lotus Notes Applications

  • Over 76% of content is inactive, and can be archived instead of migrated
    • Most applications are not migratable to Office 365 in their original forms

If these seem like problems your enterprise might be facing, don’t worry: our Assessment product is specifically designed to detect migration challenges and flag unused content for archival, thereby freeing up resources to migrate content that matters. We encourage you to contact us for more information, read more about the DART Product Suite that powers our migrations, or read the series of posts about migration advice on our blog.