Optimization and modernization is the process of unburdening your organization of unneeded content that exists within your legacy systems and making the relevant content more organized and more accessible to the user. Legacy collaboration systems are able to be decommissioned, to give way to centralized, easy to use and better integrated applications.

Simply stated, optimization is the act of getting you from where you are today, to where you want to be in the future. Modernization further enhances this by making everything available on the cloud and through mobile devices.

It is not uncommon for companies to have invested in as many as a couple dozen content repositories, containing various duplicated information stored in multiple places. These legacy environments, data storage devices and systems continue require support resources and thus cost the company money every year. Before now, determining what content exists within them has been a significant challenge.

Companies have looked to standardize on a single content and collaboration platform and the cloud as the next answer, hoping to eliminate significant costs by optimizing and offloading infrastructure support.

Leveraging a single content and collaboration platform such as SharePoint and the cloud does in fact do just that. The challenge is achieving this in a reasonable amount of time and at the lowest cost possible. Many CIOs have become resigned to the fact that “it just isn’t possible”. CASAHL’s tools and methodology makes it possible.