The CASAHL DART product suite is uniquely powerful for facilitating enterprise-wide automated discovery and migration of collaboration/content resources into Office 365. Working with a wide variety of source system types (IBM Lotus Notes/Domino, on-premises SharePoint, Google Drive, Box, enterprise content management systems, and more), DART is a single solution (for all sources) that makes it possible to rapidly, securely, and cost-effectively assess existing deployments, determine what should be migrated (and to what facet of Office 365, e.g., Office 365 Sites, Delve, OneDrive, and Groups), and execute a highly automated migration plan. This approach significantly increases the probability of a successful Office 365 deployment, as information workers can have all of the collaboration/content resources they need made available to them from the moment they start using the exciting new tools in Office 365.
This post is the first in a series providing updates on CASAHL’s recent activities and development plans, as we prepare for the Microsoft Ignite conference in Chicago during the week of May 4th. We anticipate there will be a very favorable response to the perspectives and offering details Microsoft is likely to share at the Ignite event, and we have been impressed with what we’ve already seen in new offerings including Sites, Delve, OneDrive, Groups, and Power BI.
Posts to follow, in this series, include:
- Liberating Notes/Domino-Based Resources: this post is focused on opportunities for enterprises seeking to migrate from the Notes/Domino platform. Notes/Domino is one of several collaboration/content sources supported by the CASAHL DART solution, and is often one of the most deeply entrenched, because many Notes/Domino deployments have been incrementally expanded for decades. (If your enterprise is not currently seeking to migrate from Notes/Domino, feel free to skip this part of the series.)
- New Collaboration and Content Alternatives in Office 365: this post shares our perspectives on some of the market dynamics that have combined to create exciting new alternatives to legacy collaboration/content platforms, including Office 365 Sites, Delve, OneDrive, Groups, and Power BI.
- Optimizing SharePoint in Office 365 and SharePoint 2016: this post provides a brief overview of how SharePoint’s evolution, in Office 365 as well as on-premises SharePoint, has created new opportunities for enterprises seeking to optimize resources from their earlier SharePoint deployments.
- Office 365 Success via Enterprise-Wide Automated Discover and Migration: the last post in the series provides an overview of how enterprises can leverage CASAHL DART in order to accelerate their Office 365 deployments. By creating comprehensive pre-migration assessments (of previously-deployed platforms), collaboratively formulating staged migration plans, and executing highly automated migration tasks, DART facilitates rapid identification and migration of the most valuable collaboration/content resources. By making those resources available in compelling new tools such as Delve and OneDrive, as well as fully leveraging Office 365 SharePoint sites, CASAHL DART helps to build momentum for successful Office 365 deployments.
We hope you find this series timely and useful, and that, if you are planning to attend the Ignite conference, you’ll visit us at the CASAHL booth (#619) in the Ignite exhibit hall, where we’ll be delighted to walk you through a DART demo and share additional insights based on thousands of successful migration projects.
We’ll continue the series with posts about additional collaboration/content sources and targets supported by CASAHL DART, when we return from the Ignite conference.